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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Skin Care Tips

1. Replace soda and other sugary drinks with water. Hydrating is important for your skin and for your whole body, but sodas and unhealthy drinks can cause the skin to break out. Drinking water means you are not getting a drink that is hard to filter and you are also avoiding the caffeine contained in most sodas.
2. Are you married and suffering from wedding ring dermatitis? Your wedding band can cause itchy and sore skin under your ring. Before you put your ring away, try soaking your skin with your rings off in plain water. It is a good idea to wash your hands without your rings on as well so you can dry the area under your wedding band.
3. You can easily loosen tight skin by stretching your face. Gently stretch the skin on your forehead cheeks and chin in one direction after the other. Make sure you have clean fingertips before you do this. You could include these exercises in your daily skin care routine if you think you need to loosen your skin.
4. If you have acne scars, try Aloe Vera. You should be able to find a lot of products containing Aloe Vera: look for something with natural ingredients. Aloe Vera will help your skin look healthier. If this does not get rid of your acne scars, think about a laser treatment to erase them.
5. If you work in an office or around paper in general, mostly likely you have suffered more than one paper cut. Small as they are, they can hurt a lot and lead to infection. Instead of putting your finger in your mouth, clean it under warm water for about a minute, flushing away the chance of infection and follow up by applying some antibacterial ointment right away.
6. If your skin is dry, there are a few products you should not be using. For instance, you should stay away from anything containing alcohol or other strong ingredients. You should also avoid clay-based masks or astringents. Look for softer products instead which are advertised as moisturizing and do not contain any harmful ingredients.
7. Smoking is definitely not good for your skin. It will make your skin greasy, older and wrinkled. If you do not wish to quit smoking, think about reducing how many cigarettes you smoke and try not to hold a burning cigarette too close to your face so that the smoke does not affect your skin.
8. During the winter months, do not forget to apply sunscreen to your skin on a daily basis. The sun is just as strong, perhaps stronger in the winter since the sun can reflect off of snow. Make sure to apply SPF 15-30 to your face, neck, and hands at least thirty minutes before you head outside.
9. Pamper you skin the right way, every woman enjoys those long baths with the fruity shower gels, just be sure that your current favorite isn't drying out your skin. You will want to choose a shower gel that is soap-free and hydrating. Try choosing a milk bath shower gel with a mild scent.


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