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Monday, August 26, 2013

Eyes Health Care Tips

which supplements or vitamins are the best for eyes?
Vitamin A -it helps from many eye disorders; lack of vitamin A can lead to corneal ulcer and night blindness
Source of vitamin A: - carrots, sweet potatoes and liver and many green vegetables.
Vitamin C –need to reduce the pressure in glaucoma and slow down the affect of degeneration.
Source of vitamin C: - fruits likeoranges, strawberries, rosehip and broccoli, bioflavonoid and much more.
Vitamin E - It helps in the risk of contracts and muscular degeneration.
Source of vitamin E - Some rich foods are Dry Fruits and nuts like almond and hazelnuts and many more
Zinc: -Found in red meat, oysters and wheat.
When you sit in front of the computer whole day watching TV, reading books or when your eyes get exposed in pollution, it affects eyes very adversely. It makes your eyes look over worked and tired. In the busy life schedule give some relaxation to your eyes, spend 15-20min every day on eye exercise, and wash your eyes daily with clean and cold water.
It is important to cure your vision before it take chance to develop bad effects. Prevention is definitely better than cure. So what you can do for your eyes?
-. Give proper relaxation to your eyes
-. Do not expose your eyes to sunlight, wear sunglasses
-. Wash eyes with clean and cold water regularly
-. Take a layer of cotton dip into cold milk and put it on your eyes it will give relax to your eyes and also remove dark circles.
-. Cotton layer dip into Coconut oil and rub it out skin of your eyes it gives nourishment and shine to your eyes.
-. Take regular eye exercises.
-. Take proper vitamin containing food and green vegetables.
-. See greenery till five minutes it will increase your vision.
-. Minerals and many eyes drop product can take care of your eyes.
-. Dust particle can be harmful for eyes so clean your eyes daily


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