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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eye Health Tips

Giving rest to your eyes While working on the computers, it is good to give some rest to the eyes to avoid their straining. The 20-20-20 rule is the best. After every 20 minutes, give your eyes 20 seconds rest while watching something at a distance of 20 feet. Blinking at regular intervals is also immensely necessary to keep the eyes moisturized.

Proper use of contact lenses Contact lens users should make it a point to wash their hands properly before wearing the lenses to avoid eye infection. Even the contact lenses should be properly cleaned with the solutions. This is a basic eye health tip for the lens users.

Proper diet and exercise The diet should also be well maintained to keep the eyes in a good condition. There should be plenty of green vegetables in the diet as they are helpful for the eyes. Proper and regular exercise is also helpful for maintaining proper vision.

The natural eye health can be kept intact with proper diet and exercise. Eyes act as the window to the outside world for us. Our vision is because of our eyes and it is our duty to keep them healthy.

To keep the eye sight well till our old age, it is essential to take special care of them from proper age. With the increasing use of technology, the use of computers and other digital devices have also increased. The continuous use can in turn have an adverse effect on our eyes.

For this proper check-ups and tips should be followed in order to keep the eyes in good condition. There are many ways in which proper eye care can be carried out.


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