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Friday, August 30, 2013

Skin Care Tips

1) To protect your skin, be sure to wear sunscreen any time you go outdoors. Even if the sun is not shining, you can still be taking in harmful rays. If you don't like the feeling of sunscreen on your skin, try dabbing it on with a makeup sponge. Not only will the results feel more natural, but the lotion will better penetrate your skin.
2) A lot of people think tanned skin is a sign of health, but it can actually damage your skin. For a safe tan, avoid sunbathing and tanning booths, and opt for tanning lotions instead. The UV rays emitted by sunlight and tanning beds will make you more prone to skin cancer.
3) Getting at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night will have the most positive effect on your skin. Sleep is naturally good for the health of your skin. Get your sleep!
4) Eat a healthy diet. Acne can easily be the effect of bad eating habits. Whole grains, meats that are low in fat, fruits and vegetables, and especially foods that are rich in vitamin C, will bring about clearer and younger-looking skin with a healthy glow. Eating lots of carbohydrates and fats might do exactly the opposite.
5) Sensitive facial skin may require you to use special products to avoid irritation. You need to find products that are free of perfumes, dyes and also free of chemicals, so they don't irritate the skin or make you break out in a rash.
6) It is important to carefully shield your skin from the effects of the sun. UV rays harm the skin. Everyone likes to be out on sunny days, and there is no reason to stop that. Just make sure you pay attention to the amount of time you are spending outdoors.
7) If you don't want to switch foundations in the summer, mix some sunscreen into the liquid version of your favorite product. In this day and age, most foundations do in fact contain sunscreen. If you feel that your foundation is not meeting your requirements, incorporate your own sunscreen to the mix. Simply place a few drops of the sunscreen into the foundation, mix thoroughly, and apply.


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