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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Benefits Of Taking Vitamin B2

B2 also known as Riboflavin, similar with the rest of the B complex is a water soluble stored in our body responsible for processing amino acids and fats, it helps convert carbohydrates into adenosine triphosphate, which is also known as the fuel the body needs and it activates vitamin B6 and folic acid. Like B1, it also acts as an antioxidant. This means that B2 is required in our body daily.
Although they say B2 and all other B complex can easily be absorbed, usually the body only gets very few of it. One major cause is the process of how it is cooked. Heat easily reduces the amount of vitamins in all foods. This is why vitamin supplements are recommended.
Riboflavin eases watery eye fatigue and is really helpful in treatment and prevention of cataracts. B2 is also needed in the digestive tract keeping the mucus membrane healthy and helps absorb iron and B6 much easier. Not only that, riboflavin is also used for the health of the hair, nails and skin.
When you are experiencing cracks and sores at the corners of your mouth, eye disorders, swelling of the mouth and tongue and skin lesions, this means that you are suffering from a vitamin B2 deficiency. Other symptoms also include dizziness, hair loss, dermatitis, insomnia, poor digestion, retarded growth, light sensitivity, burning feet and slow mental responses.
For health purposes here are examples of foods where you can get B2. It is present in dairy products, organ meats, eggs, cheese, whole grains and of course leafy vegetables. It can also be found in fishes, legumes, and yogurt. The average amount that an individual should take in of the B2 is 1.2 mg per day for females, and 1.6 mg per day for males.
However, multivitamin supplements contain 20-25 mg. This is more than the body needs but nothing to worry about because too much intake of vitamin B2 is not as harmful as other overdoses of other vitamins. The only side effect is a normal yellow discoloration of the urine and nothing more. This is not dangerous.


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