Breaking News
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Breast Cancer Patients

Eat anti-inflammatory foods: Anti-inflammatory foods stop metastasis or spreading of cancer. Same is true for breast cancer. Eat more of salmon, walnuts, pumpkin seeds to prevent breast cancer. Adding complementary therapies in the form of lifestyle changes and alternative medicines to your treatment plan can help you feel better and improve your prognosis. Oncologists are of the view that when it comes to breast cancer, conventional treatment procedures like surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and radiation are unavoidable.
Follow a detox-diet: Adding dark leafy green vegetables to the diet keeps kidneys and liver, the two major organs of human body, working properly so they can eliminate the harmful remains of chemotherapy drugs after they've done their job. The whole world comes to a standstill when someone comes to know that or she has breast cancer. Though there are many breast cancer treatment procedures for the killer disease today, it becomes almost obvious that the doomsday is near. Leave alone the tremendous pain one has to bear with, the very fear of death makes living life an uphill task.
Stick to organic diet: Pesticides used during farming of non-organic crops are xenoestrogens, which stimulate the development of hormone-dependent tumors. So, it is always advisable to go the organic way, and start eating pesticide-free food. Regular exercise: There is no alternative to regular exercise. Sticking to a daily work-out schedule keeps immune system working in proper condition and detoxify at regular intervals.


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