Breaking News
Friday, August 16, 2013

Calcium Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is synthesized in our body when sunlight falls on our skin. It is the hormone Vitamin D3 which is the actual regulator of calcium and phosphorus levels in the human body. Another important function of the Vitamin is that it helps boost the immune system within the body. When the body does not use this vitamin, it stores away the ‘extra' Vitamin D in fat globules in the body. So those who might have been telling you to jog/run in the light sunny morning weren't wrong after all! And this does work wonders for your health and appetite too!
Calcium ions in our body are extremely important. We need to have a minimum dosage of 300 mg of calcium per day – for the active individuals and for pregnant mothers, the dosage can go over 500 mg per day! Calcium helps repair the immune system other than making our bones strong and keeping them healthy. Calcium ions are crucial in maintaining the electrolytic balance in our body thereby keeping our nervous system in the pink of health!
Calcium can be introduced in the diet in the form of green vegetables and lots of dairy products like milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt etc. Butter is also one good source but then, if you're on a diet, it would be safe to skip the butter and stick to milk and yoghurt. Good calcium levels in the body help maintain the pH balance and also increase the blood clotting capacity. That is they help repair the damaged platelets and fibrins in the blood coagulum.
The advantages of such a potent combination are many. While vitamin D regulates the amount of intake and outgoing levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body, calcium can do the repair work in the meanwhile. Also, reasonable calcium and Vitamin D levels in the body mean:
• Lesser joint pains or injuries
• Good quality bones and healthy teeth
• Healthy bone marrow
• Prevention of osteoporosis in the old age
• Maintaining the electrical equilibrium in the body.


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