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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Vitamins Minerals

Vitamin and mineral levels have dramatically reduced since the early part of the last century. Scientific studies show that organic foods especially vegetables have significantly higher proportions of nutrients in them than mass produced one. The reason is not so complicated to understand. Due to mass farming the top soil in such farming is depleted and the land is not given time to lie fallow. The topsoil is very rich in minerals which the plants absorb and phosphorylate in order for us to absorb.
All disease is a type or nutrient deficiency disease. Most of which can be linked specifically to mineral deficiency. Asthma to magnesium, cancer to selenium and zinc to immunity. So if you want to safe guard your health then you need to be taking a multivitamin supplement on a daily basis but especially if you diet is poor and also if you are not eating organically produced food.
Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper biological function of your body. You need to be taking them in a natural form and not as chemical as most people are. There are two types of vitamin water and fat soluble. Minerals are found higher in some foods than other. For example zinc is very high in oysters and chromium in organic broccoli and also black strap molasses. All diseases can be traced back to one or more mineral deficiencies.
One in three people are now taking some for of supplement and the UK vitamin cosumer market alone is worth over 400 million sterling. However most of what is on offer is islolated synthetic chemical. The stuff is manufactured by the tonne and is broken up into packaged under different brands as is the case with ascorbic acid which is sold as Vitamin C. No place high or low in nature does ascorbic acid exist as vitamin C. This is the same for all the other nutrients that are being sold.


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