Breaking News
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Take Health Care Responsibility

Health care responsibility is the process is taking control of your health care. The health care system has many problems, but great health care can be obtained if you are a smart health care consumer. Five fast and easy things that you can do to improve your health care:

  1. Become educated
  2. Learn to communicate at doctors appointments 
  3. Prepare before each doctor's appointment 
  4. Know what preventative testing and treatments you need 
  5. Practice healthy lifestyle changes – exercise and eat well, avoid smoking, tobacco and excessive alcohol

Being educated does not mean that you need to have a medical degree or even a high school diploma; it means that you know how to get and transmit critical information.

The current capitalistic health care system focuses on profit instead of patient care. This does not mean that you cannot receive great health care in the current system.

 It does mean that you will have to do more than have a good doctor. You need to take responsibility for your health care. Health care responsibility includes understanding your health and disease states, organizing your health information and communicating it with the system. Having a system to organize and communicate your health information will significantly improve health care.

You need a system to organize your medical information. Having this information improves the relationship with your doctor and having a good relationship with the physician who serves as your primary care provider is an essential step to getting optimal health care.


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