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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Vitamin C - Deficiency, Benefits and Functions

Vitamin C Functions Vitamin C benefits us a lot. The best benefit offered by vitamin C is collagen formation. Collagen is essentially a protein substance that helps keeping all the cells together. Vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen. Without vitamin C, the formation of collagen is interrupted. Vitamin C is present and active within the cell wall where it aids in modifying pro-collagen into collagen.

Vitamins C benefits in the absorption of iron as well. Iron is essential to keep us healthy and vibrant. It maintains a healthy and clear skin, fresh complexion and healthy gums and teeth. It offers a healthy functioning for all glands and organs including adrenal and thyroid glands. It also aids in relieving all sort of stressors, both physical and psychological. No research has shown any effective result in treating common cold symptoms by using vitamin C supplements.

Vitamin C Deficiency So, we can easily understand that vitamin C is important to our health system. Vitamin C benefits in various aspects. It can aid our system both from inside as well as from outside also. A deficiency in vitamin C may result in soft gums, skin hemorrhages, collagen deformation, Achilles' heel, anemia, and slow healing.

If your diet lacks vitamin C, you might find yourself older too fast. Vitamin C benefits in thyroid balance, so thyroid insufficiency is quite prevalent in such cases. Deficiency in vitamin C may also lead to weak immune system, so resistance to all diseases becomes very low. Toxic effect of drugs and environmental pollutants can affect human healthy greatly if you lack vitamin C.

In worst cases, a deficiency in vitamin C may also lead to the development of scurvy. It is the development of bruised spots on the skin along with soft spongy gums as well as continuous bleeding from mucous membranes. Vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid as well. It offers a whole slew of benefits to our health. Vitamin C helps in maintaining the balance in ligaments, tendons and other adjacent tissues. It is commonly found in fruits and vegetables such as potatoes.

Vitamin C has anti-oxidant property, so it helps us fighting with the symptoms of ageing. Not only that, due to its anti-oxidant property it helps us to preserve healthy blood cells from becoming collapsed from the toxic substances in the air that may even lead to cancer in some cases.


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