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Monday, July 15, 2013

Nutrition that Supports Eye Health

If you are concerned about your eyes you should be mindful of the sun’s rays, working long hours staring at your computer, watching television, pollution and environment, and a poor diet—all which can affect eye health. Simple eye care health tips can help you to protect your eyes from possible damage due to environment and the stress of everyday life.

 Wear sunglasses when you’re out. The UV rays of the sun can harm your eyes as well as your skin. Optometrists say you should wear sunglasses on a sunny day or a cloudy day. Clouds may partially block the sunlight, but UV rays can penetrate clouds. Even if you wear UV-protected contact lenses, you should wear sunglasses to protect the whites of your eyes. Computer tips. Keep your monitor about five to nine inches below eye level.

This position offers the least strain on the eyes and is conducive to blinking. Most people working on the computer do not blink as often as they should. Blinking helps retain moisture levels in the eyes and is good exercise for the eyes. Following the “20/20/20 rule” may also help relieve eye strain caused by too much time on the computer. Every twenty minutes look away from the computer and fix your gaze about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

This will help keep the eyes focused. Splashing cold water over your eyes during breaks can ease eye tension. Regular exercise. Engage in a regular exercise program. Exercise helps to maintain optimal blood circulation and ensures that the eyes receive a supply of oxygenated blood.

 Eye nutrition. Including plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet is a good way to get the proper nutrition to support eye health. Vitamins and minerals, such as, Vitamins A, C and E, zinc, selenium, folic acid benefit overall health, but are especially beneficial to eye health. Cabbage, carrots,, papayas, green peas, spinach and other green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, collard greens, turnips, broccoli, and kale are all rich in beta carotene and other eye nutrients.

Liver, lean ground beef, egg yolks and seafood are also healthy for the eyes. Bilberry:Bilberry has been used for centuries to support eye health. Its nutrients can help protect against eyestrain and fatigue.

Bilberry also supports a healthy blood circulation to the eyes. Vitamins: Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants. Vitamin A is well-known for its role in supporting eye health. Vitamin C nutritionally helps in tissue cell regeneration and supports healthy blood vessels. All three of these vitamins can help to protect the body, including the eyes, from free radicals.

Vitamin A supports the regeneration of rhodopsin—which is found in the rod cells of the human eye. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants, too. They also nutritionally protect cells from free radicals. Carotenoids, specifically beta-carotene, are believed to enhance the function of the immune system. Beta-carotene is the precursor of vitamin A in the body.

High concentrations of certain carotenoids are found in the eyes. Eating foods which have greater amounts of these carotenoids may help maintain eye health.


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