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Friday, July 12, 2013

Vitamin C and Its Wonderful Healing Powers

Vitamin C as an immune system builder The white blood cells are involved in immune defence: They kill off the unwanted foreign matter that invades the body. The types of white blood cells involved in immunity are called the T-cells and macrophages, which vitamin C is involved in the making of. If the immune defence could not do its job, then toxicity and disease sets in.

Disk herniation Intervertebral disks exist in between the backbones. They cushion the backbones during movement, acting as shock absorbers. Due to excessive wear and tear and a lack of vitamin C, the outer surrounding of the intervertebral disk becomes less tough and worn, forming pinholes.

This allows the inner soft material to find its way on the outside, causing it to make contact with the nerves around the spinal column. This can be quite painful. However, from a Japanese study it suggests that frequent intakes of vitamin C can remedy the situation by strengthening the intervertebral disks and returning their structural integrity.

Vitamin C as an antioxidant Damage to the body's organs, tissues and cells happen by means of reactive molecules called free radicals. These free radicals can cause damage by oxidation. They may come from environmental toxins such as heavy metals, noxious hydrocarbons; herbicides, fungicides, pesticides...or a whole range of chemicals like, for example, unsavoury and toxic nitrosamines from nitrates found in factory Processed foods.

Smokers take in free radicals when inhaling...The extent of the damage caused by oxidation can range from ageing to a number of chronic conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.


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