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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Natural Good Heath

Vitamin C is a vitamin that is known to provide many benefits to our body. It helps in forming and maintaining collagen. It is also an antioxidant vitamin. It will prevent oxidation from occurring in water-soluble molecules. This is necessary because if oxidation is allowed to take place, then free radicals are formed, and these free radicals are harmful as they are known to make our body weak, which, in turn, can cause cellular injury and disease in our body leading to cancer.

Lack of vitamin C can cause allergies, arthritis, colds, ulcers, depression, vascular feebleness, high blood pressure, and some common infections. If you are not getting enough vitamin C in your diet, you can take it in the supplement form. It is available in various forms, including powder, liquid, chewable tablets and time-release capsules. There are ample benefits when we take food supplement vitamins. Our body learns to cope with ailments in a more effective manner. Once it can do this, we are able to recover faster from most of the common ailments experienced by us.

Vitamins also bring down the number of times we fall sick in a year. They have been found to be very effective in controlling cold, flu and other similar ailments. Doctors also recommend food supplement vitamins. Although there is a large number of vitamins, you should only take the vitamins that are needed by your body. Pregnant women can take folic acid in case it is required by them, as it is known to be beneficial for them.

Similarly, the vitamins of B group are also important for our wellbeing. They help in blood circulation and blood formation. Besides this, some of the vitamins in this group also help in digestion. Others are known to stop damage of the nerves. The vitamins in this group are also available in the supplement form. So, if you want to ensure your natural good health, stick to the combination of a healthy diet, exercise and multivitamins because such a combination will work wonders all the time throughout your life.


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