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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Skin Care Tips That Work

TIP #1: The number one skin care tip that I can give you is to make sure to keep your face clean. Your skin picks up dirt and pollutants from our surroundings. Wash your face thoroughly both in the morning and at night, in order to prevent dirty surface film from building up.
TIP # 2: Some other good tips about cleansing you face are certainly in order. You should try to avoid products which use harsh abrasives in order to clean your face. These products will only irritate your face, and the scrubbing action will act to encourage the skin to increase the production of sebum, thereby leaving your skin excessively oily.
TIP #3: Skin care tips involving moisturizing the skin are also very important. Try to avoid moisturizing products that contain mineral oil, or petrolatum. These substances act to clog your pores, leading to the development of blackheads and acne.
TIP #4: A good skin care tip would be to advise you to seek out a moisturizer which contains pure, natural ingredients. Look for products containing grape seed oil, avocado oil, olive oil, or jojoba wax as ingredients. Some of the better products will contain all of these organic substances, and many more.
TIP #5: Let me give you a couple of good skin care tips involving the use of a deep hydrating mask. There is an excellent product on the market today which does not leave you stuck with a blue or green face for 30 minutes. This mask is visible as a natural tone, and the best part is that it disappears right into your face, so you don't have to worry about clean up.
TIP #6: The other skin care tip I was going to give to you involves the very same mask. The natural ingredients that make up this wonderful product make it far safer to use than most masks. The ingredients include avocado and macadamia oils, as well as New Zealand's much talked about manuka honey.


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