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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Eye Health Tips

So Diet Can Affect Eye Health
These kinds of reports are common. The intake of certain foods by sensitive individuals seems to cause an allergic reaction that can be revealed in the functioning of the eyes. It would seem that these sugary and fatty foods trigger a chemical change that is recorded by the eyes.
The foods you eat may affect your vision as a result of the way other organs in your body react to your diet. If your heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys are forced to work overtime processing the food you eat, your eyes will suffer the consequences. For example, the liver purifies the blood before it carries nutrients to the different parts of the body. If you consume fatty foods, the liver has to overwork, and some remaining debris might end up in the blood that ultimately reaches the eyes. In a sense, the blood vessels and other parts in the eyes can be thought of as a dumping ground. The eyes can be only as healthy as the content and purity of the blood. From the evidence cited in the documented results and communication with researchers around the world, it would appear that the ciliary (focusing) muscles are sensitive to fluctuations in blood-sugar levels. There's a case story of a fourteen-year-old girl who was learning to use natural vision-fitness, thus avoiding strong eyeglasses. Her natural vision-fitness was 76.5 percent. One day she arrived at the clinic, where they were conducting vision-fitness training and research, with a soda. Before she was able to drink her soda, they recorded her natural vision-fitness level with both eyes open. They then asked her to drink the soda. Within fifteen minutes, her vision-fitness dropped to 58.5 percent.
Exercise Can Prevent Poor Vision
Exercise, particularly aerobic, causes your heart to pump more blood through the various parts of the body. Consequently, the blood in the eyes is flushed, which stimulates the eyes. The nerves are then better able to send fast and accurate messages. Over the years, many eye clinics have received numerous reports from patients about changes in their vision-fitness percentage while involved in aerobic activity. Long-distance runners report periods of intense clarity without lenses. Students already having natural 100 percent vision-fitness relate how much more they can retain while reading after an aerobic workout. Video-display-terminal operators who exercise at lunchtime experience less eyestrain by the end of the day compared to days when they don't exercise. We've seen how the Bushman incorporates natural practices of good diet and exercise into his daily schedule. What about your own lifestyle? In the past you've probably been too busy doing to make room for similar practices in your routine. But what we've learned about vision-fitness makes it all the more important that you pay careful attention to the foods you choose to eat and that you set aside time to exercise.


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