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Monday, September 23, 2013

Juicing Tips for Better Health

Picking the Right Juicer
Before you can start juicing, you have to have a machine to do the work for you. There are manual, cheap plastic versions you can buy, but it's highly recommended that you invest a little more into your options, because those will take you forever to get a small trickle of juice into your cup. Juicers typically come in three main versions. There are manual juicers, like the one I described above that require a lot of work and arm strength in some cases, not to mention ample amount of time to extract the juice from your fruits and vegetables. Some of the manual juicers are very lightweight, so you can't put too much pressure on them. This means you won't get to create larger batches of juice - you'll have to stick to small quantities. Instead of a manual juicer, you can consider buying a masticating or centrifugal juicer. Masticating juicers actually chew up the pulp, making it easier to extract the juice from the fruit or vegetables. These are single gear juicers, and they work slowly. Some people enjoy the slow juice creation because whenever speed is involved, it means heat is typically a factor - and heat destroys some of the nutrients found in the fruits and vegetables.
Finding Delicious Juicing Recipes
Everything that grows doesn't belong in a juicer. It might seem like a good idea at the time, but will end up tasting horrid. Juicing isn't the time to unleash your inner food artist if you aren't familiar with what foods will taste good together. You can buy a juicer recipe book (highly recommended) but you can also use the trial and error method. You'll know what tastes good and which mixtures are mistakes. But since mistakes can be costly, use the following tips to create delicious tasting concoctions. If you don't like apples, then juicing isn't suddenly the time to decide that you'll like them in a juice. You want to start out by sticking with what you already know that you like. You can broaden your juicing horizons later. And if you know you want the health benefits of apples, then you might try working it into a recipe where another fruit or vegetable taste overpowers it. So you still get the health rewards, without having to drink what tastes like straight apple juice.
If you're going to make vegetable juices, leave off the more potent tasting ones until you're prepared for the stronger flavor. Remember that you can mix your vegetables in the juicer with ice cubes, water and a small slice of fruit to give it a better taste. We all have a tendency to be creatures of habit. We do this even when we're trying to eat healthier - we'll just keep on choosing the same healthy foods we've always eaten, but that can keep you locked on a certain food source and you'll miss the wonder of trying new combinations if you juice with the same foods you've always used. Don't be afraid to make subtle changes. Many recipes advocate sticking with straight vegetable juice or straight fruit juice, but if you do that, you'll miss out on some tasty concoctions.


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