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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Detoxification For Radiant Health

Our main elimination organs are the lungs, skin, bowel and the kidneys. These organs expel by-products from natural bodily processes and also deal with the chemical load of anything we take into our system. How can we get started? Try these simple first steps:
1. A squeeze of lemon juice with warm water on waking.
A wonderful simple tip to use every morning. Instead of reaching for that morning coffee, choose this cleansing drink to wash away the stresses of the day before and prepare your digestive tract for a fabulous day ahead!
2. A Three Day Juice Fast.
This is a fantastic first detoxification method to try. Choose green juices with some low sugar fruit such as apple. A good juicer is a wonderful investment for good health and make sure you wash your vegetables and fruit really well. Parsley, dandelion and beetroot are particularly cleansing choices.
3. A mono fruit day!
This involves eating only one type of fruit all day, a good choice would be Papaya as it is rich in digestive enzymes. Avoid high sugar or acid fruits to protect your tooth enamel.
When we talk about 'toxins' in nutritional therapy, we refer to the substances that exist in the body that are treated as toxic and disarmed and eliminated through the excretory organs. These organs silently do their jobs so religiously throughout the day that we are barely aware they exist. All substances we need are utilised and everything we don't need is excreted; a finely tuned system we rely on for good health.
The problem is that as we breathe in air pollution, eat chemically loaded foods, lather our bodies with chemical cosmetics at the same time as naturally creating chemical by-products from our bodies own functions, our elimination organs understandably start to tire. When one organ tires the others take on the load and we end up in a constant state of toxicity with little chance of processing it all.
What Happens to our body's in a toxic state?
Our intestines and colons are loaded with undigested matter due to low fibre, low water diets. The waste sits in our bodies and putrefies whilst the new food we eat passes by it, slowly, and gets expelled at a sluggish rate. Instead of only absorbing the new fresh food, we are also constantly absorbing the putrefied matter and it is sent directly to our liver for processing all the time. This continual process is called auto-intoxication and it leaves us feeling lethargic, de-motivated and susceptible to disease.


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