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Sunday, February 2, 2014

What You Can Do To Whiten Your Teeth Today!

6:08 PM
Yellow teeth aren't exactly attractive. Off-color teeth can put off new acquaintances and prevent you from landing a job. Luckily, there are products and dental procedures that can help get your teeth back to their natural white color. Read this article to learn more about whitening your teeth.

Laser tooth whitening is a service offered by dentists. This is probably the fastest way you'll be able to have the whitest smile possible. The dentist applies a gel, and then the bleaching agents in the gel are activated with the laser. The teeth will whiten instantly by at least five or six shades.

If you are thinking of trying a whitening teeth procedure, you will want to be aware that these only work on natural teeth. Whitening teeth will not work on artificial teeth or surfaces. Dental alterations, such as fillings, crowns, implants, and veneers, are the kinds of things that will not be whitened. If you have any artificial surfaces in your mouth and still try whitening your teeth, your artificial surfaces will remain the same while your natural teeth will whiten.

For many years people have sworn that baking soda works quite well for teeth whitening. There are now many types of toothpaste that have baking soda right in them so you do not have to mess with making up the paste yourself. The paste is made up with a bit of salt and baking soda and then brushed onto your teeth.

Mix baking soda and salt together for an at-home whitening method. This is a well known treatment for making teeth whiter. You can make a paste out of it by mixing them together with a little bit of water. Make sure you rinse your mouth out well afterwards.

Make appointments regularly with a dentist to routinely have your teeth cleaned. When you have your teeth cleaned professionally, you can be sure that stains and built up tartar will be removed safely and completely. These cleanings can whiten teeth, but they also help you avoid gum disease and cavities.

Drinking plenty of water is always a good idea, but it has additional benefits for you if you're trying to whiten your teeth. Water will rinse your mouth, and get rid of any stain-causing particles. Drink water throughout the day and during meals.

Be careful and use teeth whitening products exactly as directed. You could damage your gums if you leave chemicals on your teeth for too long. To make the most of your whitening procedure, you should also consider avoiding any drinks that are very acidic, such as soda.

Try brushing your teeth with crushed strawberries or strawberry juice. The acid from the juice softens your tooth enamel, thus enabling you to clean away much of the discoloration from your teeth. The method mentioned is an incredibly inexpensive route to whiten your teeth and strengthen your enamel.

Whitening your teeth is not difficult. Once you know your options, their benefits, and their drawbacks, you can easily determine which tooth whitening solution is best for you. The tips that you have just read have hopefully helped you figure out the option that will involve the least cost and hassle.


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