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Monday, February 17, 2014

How To Deal With Allergies And Get Relief

7:48 PM
One of the most annoying, and troublesome conditions that people deal with on a daily basis is allergies. Itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, coughing .and runny nose can make life harder. This is especially true in social situations. Avoid getting dirty looks when you sneeze by, staying informed about effectively dealing with allergies!

The amount of dander and pet hair produced by indoor dogs and cats is immense and ends up in carpet, on furniture and throughout the air. In most cases, simply vacuuming or dusting is not sufficient to remove enough pet allergens to make a home suitable for those who are allergic to these animals. Even with allergy shots, this type of allergy is best accommodated by keeping pet's outdoors for the majority of the time.

You may have installed wood, laminate or tile flooring to reduce allergens in your home, but if you use throw rugs, they need to be laundered weekly in warm, soapy water to keep them free from dust, pollen and other allergy culprits. If they aren't machine washable, have them dry-cleaned frequently. It will be worth the cost!

Try not to get too stressed out. It is not widely known that stress levels play a large role in allergic reactions. This is even truer in people that have asthma. The risk of an attack is increased by the increase in their stress level. Although, it won't cure allergies, it will help the amount of allergic reactions experienced.

If you find yourself battling rhinitis or seasonal allergies to pollen and spores, you should always keep the windows in your home closed if possible. At the very least, close them between the hours of 5 and 10 in the morning; this is the time of day in which plants release higher concentrations of pollen.

Clean your home from top to bottom at least once per year, preferably in the spring. A deep cleaning can eliminate dust, dander, mold and other allergens. If this type of cleaning is too daunting, hire a service to complete the job for you. You can maintain the results yourself or schedule regular visits from the cleaning service, after the initial deep-clean.

For allergy sufferers who are especially sensitive to common allergens, it is important to reduce or entirely avoid using the hands to touch their faces. Surface allergens are easily transferred from the fingers to delicate areas like the mouth, eyes and nasal area. Touching the face with dirty hands may also lead to acne.

Dust your home at least once a week. This will help get rid of allergens in your home. Be sure to wash all of your rugs in hot water. If you can't wash them, have them dry cleaned. This will eliminate the dust mites and mold that collects on them.

Lots of people feel irritated, or even miserable when dealing with continuous allergy symptoms. This is a situation that can be annoying, and embarrassing while making life harder. Don't let your allergies control your mood, and everyday life; take action now! Remember the tips in this article to deal with your allergies effectively.


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