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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Keeping Yeast Infections Away And Ridding Your Body Of Them When They Do Occur

7:04 PM
A common health problem experienced by many Americans is a yeast infection. If you have been diagnosed with one, or you just want to know how to avoid them, you need to educate yourself on their symptoms and causes. The following article will tell you what you need to know.

Try to incorporate a good amount of garlic into your diet during the course of the day. Garlic is a great antioxidant that can help fight off the yeast in your body. Simply consume garlic with your food or use it to cook to get it into your diet in the day and night.

Which products do you use in the bath? Don't use soaps that are scented. Such products can have a negative effect of the vagina's natural chemistry and pH levels, giving yeast infections a place to develop. Use products that are not very strong and hypoallergenic.

Make sure that you are getting enough sleep each night. Your immune system is what keeps the growth of yeast at bay. By taking the precautions to get enough sleep each night, you are letting your immune system do its job. This means, avoid drinking any caffeine or exercising three hours before bedtime.

Never sit in a wet bathing suit. Wet bathing suits mean a damp vaginal area, and this can cause a yeast infection. Be sure to dry off after swimming, and always change out of your suit as soon as you are able to. Staying dry is a great way to prevent those troublesome yeast infections.

Garlic will appease the itching and the burning of a yeast infection. Eating garlic should help prevent yeast infections, but you can also apply a small clove of garlic on the infected area to make the itching disappear. Wash thoroughly after applying the garlic and repeat as often as necessary.

If you are currently on a birth control pill and have a yeast infection, your choice of contraceptive can be your problem. These products have a lot of estrogen and this sometimes disturbs the vagina's natural balance. Consult with your physician for birth control alternatives that will not have this effect.

In order to prevent the outbreak of yeast infections, it is generally a good idea to change your clothes often, particularly when you are wet. Do not wait around after your workout at the gym or your day at the pool to change. Rather make sure to change your clothes right away.

Shy away from using scented feminine products such as pads, body sprays or other perfume infused products near genitals. These products can change the natural PH of your vagina and lead to the development of a yeast infection. What's more, scented products can mask the smell of a serious bacterial infection in your vaginal area and cause you to delay seeking professional treatment for such an infection at your doctor's office.

As with many health problems, too many people try to ignore yeast infections, or are unaware of what can cause them. Once you know more about this condition, it will be easier to deal with should you develop a yeast infection. Just remember what you have learned from this article.


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