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Friday, February 14, 2014

Get Relief Today With These Great Allergy Tips

6:28 PM
Allergies can be a huge inhibiting factor to your enjoyment in life. They keep you indoors when all the fun and beauty of nature is what you want to be doing, and they keep you running for the tissue box and nasal spray! To finally get some relief from your allergy symptoms, keep reading!

If you are one of the millions who suffer from allergies, you probably should change your air filters in your air conditioner every month. The manufacturers usually will say to change every three months, but if you have problem allergies, you should do it more often to ensure all allergens are trapped before being dispersed through your home.

People can be affected by allergies at any age. Many Baby Boomers grew up without access to allergy tests, and other medical resources. They have lived with allergic symptoms for decades. Allergic reactions often manifest differently in seniors than in young people. For example, older adults may experience itching, and mild swelling, but not localized redness. As a result, many assume that the cause of discomfort is something other than allergies. An allergy test can help seniors to identify allergens, and live their golden years to the fullest.

It is not uncommon for your own body to be a culprit in your allergy attacks. It could be true! Over the course of the day, your hair, skin and clothing may become covered in pollen, mold, dust and other allergens. If you don't wash up, you can be attacked by all of these substances when you sleep. Shower or put on clean clothing before you lay your head down to rest.

Stay away from small flowers that do not have a lot of color. These flowers are the ones that tend to bother allergies. Larger, brighter flowers, such as the ones that bees and hummingbirds are attracted to, tend to be non-allergenic, so you should be okay around these kinds of flowers.

If you suffer from food allergies, do not be afraid to ask about ingredients at gatherings or carry-ins. Most people will not mind telling you what is in a dish, and you can avoid potentially harmful reactions. If you are concerned about having enough to eat, prepare a dish to share that you know is safe for you to eat.

If you experience allergies and simply cannot work out and exercise outdoors during your peak allergy season, you should consider going to a gym or joining a gym so you can have an alternative to working out outdoors. There are some gyms that do not require you to sign a contract.

Getting rid of carpeting in your home can help your allergies because carpeting often traps a lot of allergens. Check under your carpeting and you may find that you have beautiful hard wood floors hiding underneath. You may like the look better and it will be better for your health and your family's health.

As previously noted, allergies can really keep you from doing the things, you love in life, and even things that simply need to get done. After having read this article, you should have some new and useful ideas on how to cope with and overcome allergies. Hopefully, you can now get down to the business of living, with less suffering and symptoms.


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