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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Whiten Your Teeth Without Expensive Dentist Visits

11:09 PM
If you're one of the thousands of people who have stained, yellow teeth and want to do something about it, you'll be glad to learn that whitening of the teeth is easy, fast, and painless. This article contains many simple tips that will help you avoid common mistakes and make whitening teeth very easy for you.

Mix baking soda with a small amount of purified water and brush the mixture over your teeth with a tooth brush. Baking soda has long been recognized for its ability to whiten teeth, which is why it is now added to so many toothpastes. This technique is sure to whiten your smile.

Rinse your mouth out with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution every evening after you brush your teeth. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is a mild bleaching agent so it can help to keep your teeth white, it is also very cheap; you should be able to pick up a bottle in your local pharmacy for less than $2.

Whitening teeth solutions are only efficient for natural teeth. Artificial dental work will not be affected by teeth whitening. If you have fillings, implants or crowns, the results might be uneven. If you have any artificial surfaces in your mouth and still try whitening your teeth, your artificial surfaces will remain the same while your natural teeth will whiten.

When using a teeth whitening kit be sure to follow the directions exactly as they are written. Do not think that if you leave it on longer that you are going to see better results. It can irritate your gums and could lead to some really serious problems down the road. The directions are there to be followed.

Do not start a home whitening of the teeth treatment without going to the dentist to have an exam done. You do not want to use any of these treatments if you have untreated cavities in your mouth. The same goes for gum disease. These things should be treated prior to any treatment.

A simple trick for having whiter and brighter teeth is to consume liquids with a straw. If you use a straw, the liquid is less likely to come in contact with the surface of your teeth. It forces the drink to go straight into your throat, which will pass by your teeth.

When you are trying to get a whiter smile, you should try brushing your teeth with whitening of the teeth toothpastes. These toothpastes can remove mild discoloration on your teeth through subtle abrasives that they contain. Get the smile that you have always wanted when you begin brushing your teeth with teeth whitening toothpaste.

A natural way to help whiten your teeth is to eat fruits and vegetables that are fibrous in texture. These types of foods act as a natural cleanser, scrubbing the teeth while you are eating them. Some great choices for fibrous fruits and vegetables are apples, cucumber, carrots and broccoli.

People who successfully whiten their teeth can't stress enough how much better they feel about themselves and how much their self-confidence has increased. You shouldn't let your teeth get in the way of enjoying your life. Apply these easy tips and methods to achieve great results with the least amount of time and effort.


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