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Thursday, January 30, 2014

All Your Yeast Infection Questions Answered In This Article

5:46 PM
While many people believe that yeast infections are a strictly female problem, the truth is that both men and women are at risk. As anyone--male or female--will tell you, a yeast infection is a terribly uncomfortable and often embarrassing occurrence. For more information about yeast infections, check out these useful tips and find relief.

One of the best ways to help a yeast infection is to incorporate at least eight glasses of water into your routine each and every day. Water can help to flush out the toxins in your body, which is important to help control your infection and help it go away rapidly.

Avoid using any scented products near the vagina. Women who use scented pads or any scented feminine washes can create a PH imbalance in the vagina. This will make favorable conditions for Candida Albicans to grow, which is a fungus causing yeast infections. It is best to use unscented pads and just simple water to wash in private areas.

Check the deodorant that you are using if you continually get yeast infections as the year progresses. Deodorants can have chemicals in them that may impact the formation of fungus on and in your body. Switch deodorants or go to your doctor for a prescription grade deodorant if you feel this may be the culprit.

One of the ways that you can prevent yeast infections altogether is to limit the alcohol intake that you consume during the day and night. Alcohol can hurt your immune system, which is a very important component in fighting the fungus that can lead to moderate and severe yeast infections.

If you want to prevent yeast infections, you need to be careful of the products that come into contact with your vagina. Feminine sprays, bubble baths, and scented soaps can all irritate the area inside the vagina and increase the chance of a yeast infection. Anything that is scented or dyed should not come into contact with the vagina.

Wear breathable underwear, such as cotton, to minimize the chance of developing new yeast infections. Modern materials like nylon do not allow the body to breathe, which increases the risk for a yeast infection. Natural fabrics which are changed frequently are best. This will keep you healthy and free of yeast infections.

Be aware of the impact of birth control pills. Not only do they help prevent pregnancy, but birth control pills usually contain estrogen as well. Taking estrogen in this way can cause fluctuations in the vagina's natural balance. When this occurs, the environment for yeast growth can be created. If infections are common for you, consult with your physician about options that can help.

Be aware that your hormone levels can affect the amount of and intensity of yeast infections. When hormone levels are not stabilized, bad bacteria in the vaginal area is more likely to let in a yeast infection. A number of factors can affect your hormones, such as birth control pills and steroid-based medications, so speak with your doctor about what can be done.

Life is much too short to constantly battle the discomfort and embarrassment that come with yeast infections. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat and prevent them. The useful tips from this article should have offered more insight into the best ways to deal with this problem. Hopefully you will soon find relief!


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