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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Whiten Your Teeth With These Great Tips

11:05 PM
Are your teeth dull or yellow? Do you feel that this affects your personal relationships, or makes strangers view you differently? Teeth whiteness is an important part of today's society, where networking and meeting the right people is everything. Don't let yellow teeth hold you back- read on to find out how to whiten your teeth!

Make regular appointments to have your teeth cleaned by a dentist. You need to schedule these appointments at least once a year. The discoloration on your teeth may not be caused by actual staining but simply by plaque build-up, which is difficult to remove without the professional tools your dentist has.

If your consume beverages such as coffee, soda, or dark wine, alternate drinking these with sipping water. These can stain quickly, especially if consumed regularly. Allowing water sips simultaneous to your beverage consumption rinses your mouth of stain-building residues, before they set-in. Also, be sure to brush after.

Find a whitening of the teeth program that fits into your life and schedule. Some require long periods of time with a gel or other device on your teeth. If you have a busy schedule with little down time, this may not work for you. Other programs require several treatments in the course of a day. Find one that works for you.

Before beginning any kind of a whitening teeth program, be sure to visit your dentist and have a thorough cleaning and check up. This could actually be all that you need for a nice, white smile. It will also allow your dentist to check your gums because these whitening treatments should not be used when the gums are inflamed.

If you are using a bleach or bleach alternative in your whitening process, be careful not to over do it. Too much bleaching can be harmful to your teeth. It is also important to know that if used too much you can pass the whitening stage and create a "blue" color to your smile from over-bleaching. Be cautious when using bleaching products.

One of the most effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth is to use a mixture of lemon juice and salt. You can make this up and keep it in a jar in your bathroom and use it a few times a week. Be sure to rinse your mouth out thoroughly after you are done to prevent damage from the acids in the lemon juice.

The most important thing that you can do to get a wonderfully white smile is to go to the dentist for regular cleanings. Get these cleaning twice per year. Be proactive and setup the appointment right after your first one in order not to forget to go later in the year. You can ask the receptionist to call you to make sure that you do not forget the date and time.

Now that you know what action you can take to improve your appearance and kickstart your social life, don't hesitate! Use the tips you've taken from this article to build a new, professional appearance starting with the most important part- an attractive, confident smile. We hope this article helps you socially and professionally!


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