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Monday, January 27, 2014

Boost The Nutrition In Your Diet With This Info

5:50 PM
The more informed you are about nutrition and how it effects your health, the better choices that you will make. You won't be able to eat well if you don't even know what constitutes "eating well." Read on to find out how you can improve your daily food choices and also, by extension, your overall health.

You can improve the nutritional profile of even packaged cake and cookie mixes. In addition to the regular instructions, many brands also list a "lower fat" version in which applesauce is used instead of oil. In a pinch you can also leave out the eggs. The point is that even when indulging in something like a cake, you can take steps to improve its nutritive profile.

A really useful way to help you stay fit is to keep a log of the food you eat each day. By recording what you eat each day, you'll keep track of your calories, and you'll also be able to pick up on which foods you like or don't like.

Drinking a glass of orange juice every morning is one of the best ways to start off your day. Orange juice is loaded with vitamin c, potassium, and other great nutrients. Some brands even add calcium to their orange juice. One tall glass of 100% orange juice per day is a great way to get the recommended amount of fruit in your diet.

Leeks, garlic and onions are sometimes frowned upon due to their odor. But if you have avoided them, you should reconsider. They provide B and C vitamins and help liver function. Many studies have indicated their properties in deterring cancer. Cooking them in complex dishes, reduces their strong odor.

When making a smoothie for a meal, it is important to only add ingredients that are healthy. Don't just load a smoothie with fruit and ice cream. That will load it with calories, and turn it into an unhealthy treat. Use yogurt, berries, frozen bananas and a small amount of honey.

Eating yogurt is good for you, but it tends to have a lot of added sugar that is harmful. Try eating some Greek yogurt instead. It is not loaded with sugars, and you can put some berries in it to sweeten it up a bit. Eating this before working out will also give you an extra boost to get going.

If you are out at a supermarket, do not buy junk food. If you have junk food lying around the house, there is a good chance that you will eventually consume it. Not purchasing this food in the first place is the best way that you can prevent this from happening.

If you're pregnant, check with your doctor about getting a magnesium prescription. Magnesium deficiency can lead to cramps, premature delivery, or even a miscarriage. It's recommended that you take in at least 310 milligrams of magnesium everyday. Your doctor may be able to write you a prescription for a daily dose of magnesium.

Being knowledgeable is the foremost way to properly decide. After reading all of this information, you should do yourself a favor and follow this advice. No one can do this but you. Make the decision to get and stay healthy once and for all.


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