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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Discover How To Eat Right And Feel Fabulous

9:55 PM
Having proper nutrition is an important thing to have. It will make you feel better day to day and also help you to look your best. Eating right is essential for living right. Here are some tips to improve your nutrition and provide your self with a better lifestyle.

One tip when thinking about nutrition is nutrient density. How rich in nutrients is the food you're eating - not by weight, but by calorie? You would be surprised to learn, for example, that when measured by CALORIES, a vegetable like broccoli is surprisingly high in protein - comparable, calorie for calorie, to the amount of protein found in red meats. But of course you can eat far more broccoli for the same amount of calories, which also provides fiber, vitamin C, and folic acid.

A good nutritional tip is to make sure you get enough potassium in your diet. Bloating may occur when you're consuming too much sodium, and not enough potassium. Some foods that contain potassium include bananas, fish, and cantaloupe. The more salt you consume, the more potassium you'll need.

Do not focus to much attention on dessert. Cut desserts down to just one or two days a week.

To reduce the pain of menstrual cramps, try consuming bromelain. Bromelain is substance found in pineapple. It's a natural muscle relaxer that works similarly to many over the counter drugs. However, because bromelain is a natural substance, its effects can last much longer. Bromelain has also been shown to reduce the number of inflammatory cells in your body.

Making your own veggie wraps are a quick and tasty lunch sandwich that can also be healthy. Use whole-wheat tortillas and add an assortment of roasted, fresh or frozen vegetables. Top it off with some grated low-fat cheese. Roll everything up into a tight bundle and brown in a toaster oven. Yummy!

Many people are not aware of how damaging trans fats can be. They are commonly found in processed food, such as margarine or shortening and are frequently found in ready to eat food, such as commercial pot pies. These fats, deposit and clog your arteries, because your body does not know how to process them. It's okay to use saturated fat, like butter or coconut oil, in moderation instead.

Be sure to drink lots of water each day. You should be drinking around 8 glasses that are about 8 ounces full of water, or about 2 liters of water. Water not only flushes out impurities from the body, but also prevents you from eating when feeling hungry, lessening your chances of eating fatty sugary snacks.

To maintain optimum nutrition in your diet it is important to get a wide variety of colors on your plate. The different colors really are different nutrients your body needs. Try to get at least three different colors into every meal. Try greens like kale, grapes, and cucumbers; reds like tomatoes, strawberries, and chilis; oranges like sweet potatoes, fall squashes, and carrots; light colors like cauliflower, potatoes, turnips, and whole grains; as well as other bright colors you see in blueberries, mangoes, avocados, peppers, and pineapple. Eating a diversity of colors will keep your nutrition balanced.

You have been given many nutrition tips in this article. Now it is time to take those to heart and start changing the way you are taking care of yourself. You will never regret making your health a top priority and you will start to feel better about your every day life.


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