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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Use This Advice To Get Your Teeth Whiter

10:57 PM
Picture this, you have a great smile, and you paid no extra money to get it. Whitening of the teeth is important to you. However, you do not have a lot of extra cash to spend on it. This article will provide the many ways that you can whiten your teeth without spending a lot of money.

Pick up some lemons at the supermarket and use them to naturally whiten your teeth. To obtain a brighter, whiter smile, simple take the peels from a lemon and gently rub them against your teeth every day. This teeth whitening method is cheap, easy and fast. The peel of a lemon works well for teeth whitening, without the harsh, artificial substances that are in some other whitening treatments.

Brush first before applying home whitening products. Whitening of the teeth items work their best when everything is clean, unlike hair dyes. Remove any food or obstacles by brushing your teeth and flossing before whitening; not doing so, can give you an uneven shade of white.

Cut back on beverages that are known to have a staining effect on your teeth. Red wine and coffee are some of the worse known culprits of putting stains on your pearly whites. If you cannot avoid them all together try drinking them thorough a straw. The liquid will have less contact with your teeth.

Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Regular brushing helps to prevent plaque build up, because this can result in permanent discoloration of your teeth. Once it builds up, it is difficult to remove without the assistance of a dentist, so it's better to avoid the problem in the first place.

Beverages that contain acid or carbonation are best drunk with a straw to help keep your teeth white. By using a straw you can divert the beverages past the teeth and prevent some of the staining potential. Try not to fill your mouth with beverage when drinking as this will defeat the purpose of the straw.

One of the most effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth is to use a mixture of lemon juice and salt. You can make this up and keep it in a jar in your bathroom and use it a few times a week. Be sure to rinse your mouth out thoroughly after you are done to prevent damage from the acids in the lemon juice.

Organic coconut oil can be used to brighten your smile. Try swishing it in your mouth every day for a few minutes. Coconut oil is a natural tooth whitener. Ten minutes later you can remove it from your mouth, and then brush the teeth as you normally do. You will see results in a few days.

In conclusion, you can attain a great smile, and it does not take a lot of money to do so. There are many natural ways of getting a great smile and as promised, at the beginning of the article, they have been provided to you. Hopefully, you will benefit from this information.


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