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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Awesome Ways To Achieve A More Confident Smile

7:02 PM
If you're one of the thousands of people who have stained, yellow teeth and want to do something about it, you'll be glad to learn that whitening of the teeth is easy, fast, and painless. This article contains many simple tips that will help you avoid common mistakes and make whitening teeth very easy for you.

Be careful using "home remedies" to whiten your teeth. Common home remedies like lemons, ash, or baking soda can actually do more damage than good. You should ask your dentist for "home remedy" suggestions if you cannot afford a professional procedure.

Using baking soda is one of the oldest and best ways to whiten your teeth. Take your baking soda in a small container and mix it with water to make a paste type solution. Use it to brush your teeth and then follow up and rinse with peroxide and brush with toothpaste!

Keep your mouth healthy and brush and floss at least two times every day. Floss after every meal that you eat if you can. You can buy small disposable hand held flossers that make it easy and discreet. After every time you floss make sure that you rinse out your mouth.

Eating a diet with plenty of whole and raw foods is great for your teeth. Vegetables are great for helping clean your teeth. They also do not contain harsh processed ingredients that may stick to your teeth and cause unwanted tooth decay and discolorations.

Sip water in conjunction with coffee, soda, tea, or dark wine. If consumed often, these particular drinks contain items that will stain your teeth. By rinsing your mouth with water while consuming these products, any stain producing residue will be washed away quite quickly rather than having a chance to do damage. Make sure you also brush your teeth after consumption of these liquids to assist in stain prevention.

Determine why your teeth are discolored before starting any whitening treatment. A trip to your dentist should answer this question. Knowing the cause of your discolored teeth will give you the best treatment options for your specific problems and therefore you will also get the best results too.

Do not discount the basic teeth whitening power of baking soda. This product has been used by many people for many years as an easy inexpensive way to whiten teeth. It is important to mix the baking soda with salt to increase abrasion. Using this 2-3 times a week will quickly show results. Always brush normally after treating.

One of the most effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth is to use a mixture of lemon juice and salt. You can make this up and keep it in a jar in your bathroom and use it a few times a week. Be sure to rinse your mouth out thoroughly after you are done to prevent damage from the acids in the lemon juice.

People who successfully whiten their teeth can't stress enough how much better they feel about themselves and how much their self-confidence has increased. You shouldn't let your teeth get in the way of enjoying your life. Apply these easy tips and methods to achieve great results with the least amount of time and effort.


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