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Friday, March 7, 2014

Stop Letting Your Allergies Get The Best Of You

3:01 AM
Have you suffered from allergies all your life? Have you developed a new allergy and are unsure what is the cause? Would you like to rid yourself of allergies completely? While it may be impossible to actually stop allergies, if you prepare yourself with information, you can learn to live with them without major problems.

When doing chores that could bother your allergies, wear a face mask. This may include dusting, vacuuming and lawn work. Sure, a face mask may not be very attractive, but it will prevent dusts and other particles from triggering your allergy symptoms. Face masks can be purchased at your local hardware store.

If you suffer from annoying allergies, don't use a clothes line to dry your laundry. As nice as it is to have the natural scent of clothes dried outside by the wind and sun, you will also have an abundance of sneezes inducing pollens. So use an electric dryer whenever you can!

Mold is one of the most common allergens, and the bathroom is the room most prone to growing it. This is due to the moisture from showers and bathtubs. To keep mold to a minimum, always turn on the bathroom fan. Try painting with a mold-resistant paint that, can be found anywhere that sells paint.

If you must have a pet in your life, get one that is short-haired. All warm-blooded animals have the potential for causing allergy problems. Those with long hair or copious feathers are the worst! To further minimize pet allergies, don't let them sleep in the same bed as you.

If you experience allergies and simply cannot work out and exercise outdoors during your peak allergy season, you should consider going to a gym or joining a gym so you can have an alternative to working out outdoors. There are some gyms that do not require you to sign a contract.

Make sure you're properly hydrated to treat a bronchial allergy. If you're deprived of fluids, your mucous membranes can become inflamed or dry. There will also be a build up of difficult to remove secretions from the mucosal glands when hydration is overlooked.

To escape the symptoms of allergies quicker, change your clothes and take a shower after being outside. All kinds of allergy triggers remain in hair, on skin and clothing long after you've come inside, so scrub them off, shampoo them out and toss the exposed clothing in a place where you won't breathe back the allergen particulates.

If you are allergic to pet dander, designate at least one area in the house as a "pet-free"� zone. Your bedroom is the most obvious choice. Keeping this area clean, and free from intrusions by your furry friends can significantly alleviate your allergy symptoms. The alternative, of course, is to designate a single area in which your pet can stay.

Don't live in constant suffering because of allergies! Find a way to improve your life and you may be able to almost forget your allergies by reading all the tips in these articles. They are a great way to minimize the effects that you will feel from allergic reactions and be able to stay outdoors and active.


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