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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Great Advice For Whitening And Brightening Your Teeth

10:41 PM
Do you have stained, discolored teeth? Are you interested in whitening teeth but don't know how to start? If so, you're in the right place. Don't let your stained teeth get in the way of enjoying your life. This article contains many easy, simple tips that will help you gain and ensure success in whitening your teeth.

If you are experiencing sensitivity from using 2 hour whitening strips, consider using the strips that are left on for 30 minutes. The 30-minute strips might take a little longer to do their job, but you are far less likely to experience any sensitivity issues.

Cut back on beverages that are known to have a staining effect on your teeth. Red wine and coffee are some of the worse known culprits of putting stains on your pearly whites. If you cannot avoid them all together try drinking them thorough a straw. The liquid will have less contact with your teeth.

Keep your mouth healthy and brush and floss at least two times every day. Floss after every meal that you eat if you can. You can buy small disposable hand held flossers that make it easy and discreet. After every time you floss make sure that you rinse out your mouth.

Eating a diet with plenty of whole and raw foods is great for your teeth. Vegetables are great for helping clean your teeth. They also do not contain harsh processed ingredients that may stick to your teeth and cause unwanted tooth decay and discolorations.

When thinking about whitening your teeth, it is important to keep in mind the color of your natural teeth. Whitening will give you the best results if you have yellow teeth. If your teeth are brownish you will receive medium results. Whitening is least affective on teeth that are gray in color.

Drinks such as tea and coffee are notorious in ruining and discoloring your teeth. Make sure to keep a bottle of water handy to rinse while you are drinking tea or coffee and afterwards. Drinks such as colas and wine can also stain your teeth. Avoiding or limiting these drinks can improve the whiteness of your smile.

Try to include natural foods, like vegetables and fruits, into your diet. Fast food and processed food can cause tooth discoloration and also cavities. Therefore, you should avoid these foods in order to ensure your teeth remain as healthy as they can be. Try not to eat at a lot of different times during the day as food will discolor your teeth.

You may not be able to brush after every meal, however, you can rinse your mouth after meals. Take a minute or two after eating or drinking beverages that can stain and thoroughly rinse your mouth. This will help remove loose particles and stain causing residues that may be left behind from your meals.

After whitening your teeth, you'll be amazed how much it will boost your self confidence. But moreover, you'll also be shocked at how easy, fast, and inexpensive it is to whiten your teeth. Apply these simple methods to help you achieve great results with less effort and in shorter time.


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